Viennese Cuisine history
The culinary art of the city and the people of Vienna is particularly famous for its exquisite pastries. Viennese cuisine was influenced by many cultures. In the 17th century the major influence came from Italy, and this is still recognisable in the appellation of certain dishes and recipes. The influence of French culture increased in the 18th century, when, along with diplomacy and etiquette, the French cooking art found its way into the Viennese Salons. In the 19th century traditional Viennese cuisine was influenced by the multitudes of immigrants who came to Vienna from the various regions of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Due to the vicinity of Vienna to Bohemia and Hungary, meals from these countries can be found on the menu in Vienna. From Hungary came Gulasch (a stew) in its numerous variations, such as Wiener Gulasch, Fiaker Gulasch and Zigeuner Gulasch, as well as Strudel. Bohemian origins can be found for many pastry confections, such as the various Golatschen and Palatschinken (pancakes), as well as the Knödel (dumplings) that are served with Schweinebraten (roast pork).
Food in Vienna today
Wiener Schnitzel (usually a thin slice of fried veal that is coated in breadcrumbs) is still widely popular and is typically served with Erdäpfelsalat (potato salad). Another specialty is the Tafelspitz (boiled beef), which is served with Kren (apple and horseradish sauce) and small boiled potatoes. Aside from traditional Viennese cuisine there are also established meals from other Austrian regions, such as Salzburger Nockerln (a sweet soufflé), Tiroler Gröstl (roasted potatoes and pork) or Kärtner Kasnudeln (noodles filled with cheese). Quite common for the cityscape of Vienna are also the Würstelständen (sausage stands), where the Viennese buy their heiße Würstel (hot sausages). Frankfurter sausages (known outside of Austria as Wiener sausages) are very popular, as are the Käsekreiner (a sausage with small chunks of cheese). Sausages are served with the option of mustard, pickles and a slice of bread or roll. Italian, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Turkish cuisine have become very popular in Italy, thanks to the increasing influence of these immigrant communities.
Popular dishes, sweets and drinks of Vienna
Viennese Sacher Torte
The Viennese Sacher Torte is a chocolate cake, first created in 1832 by Franz Sacher at the request (demand) of Austria’s minister of foreign affairs, Prince Klemens Wenzel Metternich.
Viennese Coffee
At a Viennese Coffee house you will be welcome to stay a while, read the paper, check the scene, warm and refresh yourself.
Vienna Croissant
The kipferl – ancestor of the croissant – has been documented in Vienna going back at least as far as the 13th century, in various shapes.